Hi All,
Today I want to show a useful feature if you want to adjust the Ticket form to fit your needs
In ticketing app you can custom your ticket fields by hiding standard fields, adding your own custom fields and reorganizing the Ticket form layout. To know more, you can either read the highlights below or watch this video for more detail explanation.
How to configure custom fields in Ticketing
Click on the setting button then click on custom fields.
Hiding standard fields
Disable Department and Category since we don't use these fields
Add custom field
If the information captured by the Standard fields are not enough, you can add your own custom fields. You can add the following types of custom fields: text, long text, date, etc.
Additionally, you also have the people picker and email ticket, which offer specific features.
People picker (Follower)
The people picker allows you to create a "Follower" type of custom field. "Followers" would have the ability to receive updates, notifications, or changes related to a ticket through Chatbot notifications, even if they are neither the assignee nor the requester.
For followers field, we will use people picker
Mandatory field is optional, so we don’t check "is Mandatory"
We check "Can receive notification" and "Can see ticket"
We check "Can select multiple option" as we want to be able to select more than 1 follower
In the "Choose from", we select Members, so a follower can be anyone from the member list.
We leave "Default value" empty since we don’t want to have a default follower when creating a ticket
Email Picker
We provide an alternative type of follower custom field for sending email notifications to external users.
To learn more about the various email notification options, check this blog post.
Reorganizing the ticket form layout
Your are free to select where this "Followers" custom field will be displayed by dragging the "Follower fields"
Custom fields on the ticket form
Now, let's see the ticketing form with our new custom fields
We don't see anymore the department and category fields
We can now add "Followers" to every ticket
Hope you enjoy this post about custom fields feature in Ticketing App
Have a nice day!