Hi All,
We will share how we, at TeamsWork, are using Ticketing App as a Bug Tracking and as a Release management tool
1) Add a Ticketing Instance
Add a new Ticketing Instance in a channel. Let's name our tabulation "Tickets"
Keep in mind that later on, all employees entitle to raise a bug / raise a change request must be able to access this channel.
2) Configure your Ticketing Instance
In the setting area:
Department: add all departments in your company: IT, Sales, Marketing, Procurement, etc.
Category: You could list components of your software: Chatbot, Form, List, Setting
Tags: a first tag category could be the type of tickets, ex: Bug, Change Request. A second category could be the sprint number or release number, ex: Backlog, V1.0, V1.1. Other category could be Story Points, etc. Thanks to the tag and tag category, you can create ticket categories that match your need

3) Add the development team and employees in your Teams
Add the development team that would handle ticket as a Team Owners in your channel. Teams Owners appear in the assignee list.
Add all employees that could raise a bug or submit a change request as a Team Members in your channel.
4) Change Management
Proper change management activities would include:
- (Over)communication of the new procedure to all employees, in Teams obviously
- Training of the key representative employees
et Voila! Your new support organization is ready to go.
If you have any question, drop us a line in our contact form.
Try the app yourself and experience the benefits!