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Visibility and Progress in Checklist

In this blogpost, we are going to talk about Visibility & Progress in Checklist As a Service. Depending on your role in the Checklist, you will have access to different information:

  1. Assignee / Reviewer: Can only see tasks they have been assigned to

  2. Requestor / Follower: Can only see Checklist, including all their tasks, they have been assigned to

  3. Checklist Owner: Can see all Checklists

To know more, watch this video or read the rest of this blogpost:

1. Assignee / Reviewer

Assignees and Reviewers can only see tasks that have been specifically assigned to them. Their % progress is calculated based on how many task they have been assigned to and how many they have completed.

2. Requestor / Follower

Requestor & Follower can only see checklists, including all the tasks, they have been assigned to. They can monitor the overall checklist progress.

3. Checklist Owners

Checklist Owners can see all checklists and their overall progress.

Hope you enjoy this post about Visibility & Progress in Checklist As A Service, And have a nice day! #checklist #visibility #progress #productivity #Management #MicrosoftTeams #TeamsWork

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