Starting with a new system can feel daunting. We get it. That's why we've put a lot of effort into making our platform user-friendly, so everyone can jump in and get going with ease. Creating your first checklist in Checklist As A Service doesn't have to be complicated. Let's walk through the steps to get you up and running.
Watch this short video or read below article that give a more comprehensive explanation
Start the Checklist creation process by click on + New Checklist button.
1) Select a Template
Kick things off by choosing a template. You have over 300+ curated templates at your disposal, alongside any user-defined templates you might have, or you can start from scratch. This flexibility ensures you have a solid foundation for whatever task you're tackling.
2) Create a Checklist or Configure a Recurring Checklist
Creating a checklist sets up a one-time task list, but for those processes you find yourself repeating—like that end-of-month closing for the accounting team—you might opt for a recurring checklist. This option auto-generates a checklist on a predefined schedule, making repetitive tasks less of a headache.
3) Fill the Header
Here, you'll input basic information about your checklist. Key details include the event date, which acts as the anchor for all task due dates. The calendar feature is crucial; it ensures due dates don't fall on weekends or public holidays. You can set up your preferred calendar in the settings area.
4) Fill the Tasks
If you've selected a template, all tasks from that template will automatically populate your checklist. If not, you can add tasks, fill in the due dates, assignees, and reviewers, and even attach documents.
Checklist is designed as a collaborative tool. When you add your team members to tasks and set the due dates, everyone will be notified about their specific assignments, informed of upcoming task due dates or overdue tasks, and updated upon task completion. This keeps everyone informed and in sync, ensuring that no deadline is missed.
You have the flexibility to decide whether your checklist needs due dates and if it requires an assignee and reviewer.
Use Due Date toggle
Opting out of setting due dates means tasks won't have a specific deadline and won't trigger reminders.
Use Assignee / Reviewer toggle
Similarly, not assigning tasks means they're up for grabs; only contributors and requestors can close them.
You can disable both toogle
You can enjoy a hybrid mode by selecting assignees/reviewers for some tasks and leaving others open.
Date Field
Dates are relative to the event date (for example, -2 days means the task must be completed two business days before the event).
5) Review and Submit
This is your moment to double-check everything: header details, task lists, assignees, reviewers, and so on. It's the last step before making your checklist official, so take a moment to ensure everything is correct.
When you submit your checklist, the system springs into action, calculating the exact due dates for each task based on your inputs and the selected calendar. It then sends notifications to assignees and reviewers about their newly assigned tasks. The process is fully automated, ensuring your checklist is ready to go without any additional hassle.
We've designed our platform to make this process as intuitive as possible, but the real magic happens when you start using it for yourself.
Haven't tried Checklist As A Service yet? Now's the perfect time to dive in and see how it can streamline your processes, make your team more efficient, and, frankly, make your life a bit easier. Try the app today and transform the way you work. Let's get things done together.
TeamsWork is a Microsoft Partner Network member, and their expertise lies in developing Productivity Apps that harness the power of the Microsoft Teams platform and its dynamic ecosystem. Their SaaS products, including Ticketing As A Service and Checklist As A Service, are highly acclaimed by users. Users love the user-friendly interface, seamless integration with Microsoft Teams, and affordable pricing plans. They take pride in developing innovative software solutions that enhance company productivity while being affordable for any budget.