Hi There,
In this blog post, I'll share how to manage your TeamsWork App subscription when you have subscribed using Stripe.
Customer that subscribed using AppSource (Microsoft Teams), please check this page .
Customer that subscribed using Azure, please contact us.

Access my Stripe Account
You can access your Invoices on Stripe website.
Navgiate to this URL: https://billing.stripe.com/p/login/28oeXG55a4ub1YA5kk
Use same email as the one your used for the subscription. If you have a Stripe Account, you will recevie an email to access your Stripe Account. Dont forget to check you spam folder if you dont receive any email.

Click on the Login button in the email, this will navigate back to Stripe website and open your account

1) How to Download my Invoices
Follow the instructions in the Access my Stripe account section
In the Stripe portal, look for the "Invoice History" section which will display your 3 last invoices and click on any of the link available in front of the period to display the corresponding invoice.
Click on "View more" if you are looking for other invoices.

2) How to Change Plan
Follow the instructions in the Access my Stripe account section
In the Stripe portal, if you current subscription allow you to change plan, this option will be visible next to your current subscription.
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