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Can I delete a ticket ? How can I remove a ticketing instance in TeamsWork Ticketing As A Service

Updated: Nov 13, 2023

When it comes to managing tickets within our Ticketing As A Service system, you may have noticed that there's no option to outright delete a ticket. This isn't an oversight; it's an intentional feature of our design. Let's delve into why this is and what alternatives we offer to maintain order and efficiency in your ticketing process.

Why Can't I Delete Tickets?

Our system's architecture is rooted in safeguarding data integrity and aligning with standard business practices:

Data Preservation: Accidental deletions can be more than just a nuisance; they can lead to critical data loss. By disabling the delete option, we provide a safety net against such mishaps.

Dispute Avoidance: Removing the delete function also removes the potential for disputes over ticket ownership and creation, fostering a more transparent and accountable environment.

Compliance with Policies: Many organizations are bound by strict data retention policies that require them to keep records for a certain period. Our system supports these compliance efforts seamlessly.

Transparent Pricing: Our pricing model is based on the number of tickets created. This ensures a clear and straightforward billing process, reflecting the actual usage of our services.

We understand that these reasons resonate with the structure and policies of many businesses, and we hope this clarity enhances your trust in our system's reliability.

While you can't delete tickets, you can manage them effectively to keep your system organized:

As an alternative, consider archiving a whole ticketing instance by eliminating the tabulation (see below).

Additionally, you can resolve tickets with a "Cancel" reason for any inadvertently created tickets.

Archiving a Ticketing Instance: You can archive an entire ticketing instance (see below), which is akin to eliminating a chapter in a book while keeping the book intact for record-keeping.

Cancelling Tickets: If a ticket was created by mistake, you can Close it and use a "Cancelled" reason as Resolution. This status serves as an indicator that the ticket should not be actioned upon, without erasing its footprint from your records.

These alternatives ensure that while tickets remain within the system, they do not clutter your active workflow or disrupt the organization of your ticketing instances.

How to Archive a Ticketing Instance

You can archive an entire ticketing instance by removing the associated tab.

Should you need to revisit this instance, you can reinstate it by setting up a new ticketing instance and selecting the 'restore' option, rather than initiating a completely new ticketing instance.

It's important to note that restoration is only possible within the original channel where the ticketing instance was created.

I hope you have found this post helpful.

Please do not hesitate to reach out if you require any further assistance. Marc

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